Medfiller - The easy way to fill out medical PDFS.

Custom Medical Forms & Patient Workflows

MedFiller is built around the observation that patient interactions involving a third party (such as an employer, insurance company, or government agency) require one or more formalized documents to be created at the conclusion. While modern EMR systems can often “push” data into forms, PDFs, and Word documents, they can neither analyze nor provide decision-making guidance related to the form.

Medical providers often require insights into Pass/Fail conditions for the forms and specific tools for case-specific error checking when completing these forms. The knowledge required to process a simple pre-employment physical case is never embedded in any EMR. That is where MedFiller comes in. It allows you to create separate interfaces for patients and providers over medical forms and establish rules, warnings, and first-order error-checking criteria combined with fluid Web 3.0 elements to make an ultimate workflow out of an essentially document-centered patient interaction.

Seeing is Believing

If you have encountered antiquated and clunky data export solutions pretending to be “form processing” and “case management solutions,” it may be hard to believe that MedFiller can accommodate any custom form and convert it into a workflow. That is why we made a video (see below) explaining how our team converts your provided forms into MedFiller workflows. If you have in-house PDF form authoring expertise, you are also welcome to bring your custom created PDFs using MedFiller DIY Quick Forms.

We also highly recommend that you get in touch with your questions and concerns and utilize our free no-obligation trial of MedFiller to give it all a shot before committing. 

Demo Vidoes

Bespoke Custom Forms

DIY Quick Forms